Household Sewage Treatment System Program
A household sewage treatment system (HSTS) is required to be installed on properties where public sewer is not available. Properly designed and installed HSTS, along with periodic maintenance, is important in the protection of the public and environment from disease-causing organisms and toxic pollutants.
Lawrence County Environmental Health Specialists work with the public to minimize water pollution discharges from HSTS in accordance with OAC 3701-29 and ORC 3718 Regulatory Standards concerning the construction, installation, and maintenance of individual sewage disposal systems serving one, two, and three family dwellings.
The LCHD Sewage Program Staff:
Issues permits for the installation or alteration of household sewage disposal systems
Licenses installers and pumpers of sewage disposal systems
Conducts site evaluations
Conducts annual inspections of household septic systems
Inspects existing septic systems for homeowners or proposed buyers of a home and for refinancing
Investigates septic complaints and helps bring failing HSTS into compliance with ODH standards
Works through Ohio EPA via the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to correct systems that would otherwise be difficult to bring into compliance by other means
Assists financially-challenged homeowners in remediating failing HSTS through the Ohio EPA-sponsored Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF).
Sewage Treatment System Process
Sewage Site Review Application
Septic Service Provider Application
Licensed Septic Services​​​​​​​
Sewage Variance Procedures:
If strict compliance with the Ohio Revised Code would cause an unnecessary hardship, an applicant can submit a request for a septic variance to the Lawrence County Board of Health. Upon review by the Board of Health, the variance may be granted if would not defeat the spirit and general intent of OAC 3701-29-22 or is otherwise contrary to the public interest, adversely affect the public health, cause contamination of the environment, or does not comply with the requirements of Chapter 3718. of the Revised Code.
A written request must be submitted to the Board of Health on the Variance Application Form. There is a $50 variance fee.